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Здесь далеко не вся информация об этичности, которой я обладаю.

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От кого sweetscentslady@comcast.net
Кому post4elena <>
Когда 27 июля 2011 в 19:59
Thanks for your letter. None of Sweetscents minerals or any of its ingredients are ever tested on animals, we don't feel animals should ever have anything used on them, weather it is makeup, drugs, or anything. 

This is a picture of Snowbell, our Miniture American Eskimo, he is 11 years old, & runs the business, and allows us to work here. 


 Let us know if we can be of any assistance. Have a lovely day!


Joan Trebilcock R.N.

From: "post4elena" <post4elena@yandex.ru>
To: sweetscentslady@comcast.net
Sent: Tuesday, July 26, 2011 11:39:37 PM
Subject: animal testing

I live in Russia, and like mineral products!
Please let me know - tested Sweetscents cosmetics or its ingredients on animals?
Thank you in advance!!!
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